Welcome! I'm happy to be hosting the Nancy Gideon Haunted House Blog Hop this week! Enter if you dare to enjoy some of my favorite scary movies, spooky music, Halloween memories, and plenty of Bad Boys!
I have such fond memories of Halloween. Dressing up and roaming the neighborhood with my friends was both fun and scary! My brother and his friends often hid behind trees to jump out and scare us when we walked by. We did exactly what they wanted by screaming and running for our lives! Later, we would wander home to dig through our bag of treats and sink our teeth into our favorite candy...then argue over who got the best and the most! That's what brothers and sisters do!
My blog hop giveaway is a $20 Gift ECard from Amazon or Barnes & Noble - winner's choice. The contest is open Oct. 23 - 30. The winner will be announced within 2 days after close of contest. A valid email address must be provided during contest entry. You may enter the contest below via Rafflecopter.
Happy Haunting, and I'll be sure to leave the lights on for you! When you finish here, hop on over to the next stop on the blog hop to enter another trick or treat giveaway! You can find those addresses below. You can also enjoy the festivities at our Goodreads group Haunted House at Nancy Gideon By Moonlight
Movies now showing in the Poltergeist Parlor...Enter at your own risk!
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Nothing says Haunted Halloween quite like scary movies. You know - the ones you watch with your eyes squeezed closed...the ones that make you jump at every little sound...the ones that make you double check your door locks...the ones that make you sleep with your lights on! Remember these movies?
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
One of the scariest movies because: Adolescence is tough enough without worrying about razor-armed Freddy Krueger killing hormonal teens in their sleep.
What the critics say: "Tailor made for those who like their gore leavened with thought-provoking ideas—something that is a rarity in this genre."—James Berardinelli
What the critics say: "Tailor made for those who like their gore leavened with thought-provoking ideas—something that is a rarity in this genre."—James Berardinelli
The Shining (1980)
One of the scariest movies because:
Jack Nicholson is seriously freaky as crazed novelist Jack Torrance,
who [spoiler alert] tries to chop his family to little bits after a
particularly stressful winter.
What the critics say: "Scaring the viewer is easy... What is harder is to accentuate the horrifying aspects of things that are familiar... Kubrick isn't out for screams, but he manages to make his movie thoroughly unnerving by keeping the horror so close to home."—Janet Maslin
The Exorcist (1973)
One of the scariest movies because:
Terrible, terrible things come out of a little girl's mouth (which
happens to be attached to a spinning head, thanks to a demonic
possession). Audiences were so affected by this fearsome film that some
theaters even provided "Exorcist barf bags."
What the critics say: "The climactic sequences assault the senses and the intellect with pure cinematic terror. "—Variety
What the critics say: "The climactic sequences assault the senses and the intellect with pure cinematic terror. "—Variety
Carrie (1976)
One of the scariest movies because: Thanks to inspired directing from Brian De Palma, every moment in this film is filled with dread as the story inches toward its big, bloody finish.What the critics say: "Brian De Palma's Carrie is an absolutely spellbinding horror movie, with a shock at the end that's the best thing along those lines since the shark leaped aboard in Jaws."—Roger Ebert
Steven Spielberg's "Jaws" is a sensationally effective action picture, a scary thriller that works all the better because it's populated with characters that have been developed into human beings we get to know and care about. It's a film that's as frightening as "The Exorcist" and yet it's a nicer kind of fright, somehow more fun because we're being scared by an outdoor-adventure saga instead of by a brimstone-and-vomit devil. - Roger Ebert.
You can find a slideshow and movie trailers for most of these movies at: Scary Movies Slideshow & Movie Trailers
Enjoy & don't forget to leave the lights on!
Visit Nancy Gideon's Haunted Open House & Blog Hop for more fun and giveaways! Drop in on the other bloggers. I know they will be waiting for you!
Happy Halloween! This hop is fantastic :)
Thanks for the giveaway!
Happy Halloween back at ya! So glad you stopped by!
I loved the post. I have great memories of trick or treating when I was a child. It was much different then - we didn't move the holiday to a different day or other such nonsense as practiced these days. As for scary movies, some of those you mentioned, I still am too chicken to watch. I've seen The Shining and it scare me to death. I envisioned naked, bloated dead women in my tub for eons. I read the book and it frightened me, but the movie scared me more. I have no idea why. Thanks so much for the great giveaway. michelle_willms(at)yahoo(dot)com
I agree, Michelle...we celebrated Halloween on Oct. 31 - whenever that fell! Why move it? We had so much fun as kids roaming around on our own but it was a much safer time for children then. Jack Nicholson was freaky good in The Shining! Happy Halloween and thanks for stopping by!
Great list of movies - I've avoided a couple of those! lol Can't do scary/gory. Psych scary, though, like Hitchcock, I love. Happy Halloween!
I would watch anything when I was younger, Kristen. Not so much anymore! Thanks for coming by. Happy Haunting!
I've shied away from a lot of those movies due to nerves!
love that movie list - think I've seen (and love) all of them
These sound scary
Great list of movies, have seen all of them, had nightmares because of them!
skpetal at hotmail dot com
Me too! I have a soft (but scared) spot for these old horror movies. The possibility of them being "real" just seemed so much higher! Gave me many a sleepless nights!
Thanks to all of you who have stopped by! Happy Haunting Halloween!
I am a completely wuss when it comes to scary movies. I don't even watch the movie trailer commercials. Thanks for the giveaway!
I am a bit of a wuss too, now...didn't used to be! Thanks for stopping by!
I used to LOVE scary movies. I've seen all the ones you posted above. I would like to add a couple of movies that scared the bejeezes out of me. LOL
Night of the Living Dead (the original one) and Halloween. Now I'm a complete wuss. Can't watch the scary ones any more. Thanks for being part of the hop and for the chance to win. <^_^>
reneebennett35 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Oh yes, great additions to my list! Scared the bejeezes out of me too! Happy to be part of Nancy's blog hop. Thanks for stopping by. Good luck in the contest!
This hop is amazing! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
I used to LOVE scary movies. But, somewhere along the way I lost my nerve and am a complete wuss now:)
Sandra, so thrilled to have you as part of the Hop . . . and as a guest in the Haunted Open House!!
I loooove scary movies, even if it means sleeping with the lights on and garlic cloves under the pillow. One that is not really considered a horror movie was the original Jurassic Park. To this day I have nightmares about the T-Rex.
Why do we lost our nerve as we get older?? I'm the same way! Thanks for stopping by, Jonetta!
I having a ball...this is so much fun, Nancy! I'm excited to be a part of your Blog Hop and a guest. Happy Halloween!
LOL Sebella! Definitely have to keep the lights on! Jurassic was a great one! So glad you stopped by!
I love blog hops! Thanks for the giveaway!
i'm too emotional for horror movie but i LOVE this event and discovering so many wonfderful decorations and interesting books!
thank you for your participation in this hop!
I've loved doing this Haunted House blog hop! Thanks for stopping by! Happy Halloween.
I've seen all the above movies with Jaws as the least scary.
bituin76 at hotmail dot com
For some reason, Jaws scares me to death! I think it has something to do with being a "real" possibility! LOL Happy Halloween!
that reminds me I gotta get The Shining from netflix - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
I haven't seen any of those movies, but I'd love to watch Carrie!
I've watched all ;))) LOVE Carrie!
valshemi at gmail dot com
I love Jaws!
Great hop, thanks for the giveaway.
Thanks for the chance to win!
Happy Halloween!!
Thanks to all of you for stopping by! Happy Trick or Treating!
I'm having real fun in this hop!
I love this post and visiting all the hosts! Thank you for the giveaway!
Great list of horror movies. Thanks for participating in this blog hop.
I saw jaws (might have jaws II actually) as a kid when it came out, I remember not sleeping well that night. every time closed my eyes I'd see shark vs power line -- still makes me shiver
I love scary movies, but the only movie I refuse to watch alone is The Exorcist.
Have a super nice Halloween.
jmesparza821 at gmail dot com
i love this giveaway hop..just wish i had seen it sooner...im scrambling to enter them all before midnight!
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