Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Buried Too Deep Review and Book Tour

Welcome to my stop on the Buried Too Deep book tour!

Author: Karen Rose
Series: New Orleans #3; Romance Suspense #30
Publisher: Berkley Publ.
Release Day: August 13, 2024

Special thanks to Berkley Publ. for an arc of this title and for the book tour invitation. All opinions expressed are my own.

From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Karen Rose comes another explosive novel in the New Orleans series, where some secrets are worth dying for—or killing to keep.

Author Karen Rose returns to New Orleans in BURIED TOO DEEP, book three in the New Orleans series and book thirty in the Romance Suspense series. Rose's ability to keep plot lines unique and engaging after so many books is a testament to her expert ability to craft a highly entertaining and intriguing story with authentic characters readers enjoy time after time. Whether you're a series fan or a first timer, you can feel confident in picking this book up and settling in for an entertaining evening of reading as the author includes any needed backstory.

With his PTSD therapy dog, SodaPop, by his side, Phin Bishop pauses outside his employer's office, Broussard Private Investigations, an elite personal security firm, to settle his nerves. What if he's no longer welcome after ghosting them following his last bad episode? What if Burke refuses to allow him to return as a nighttime security guard? Before he can make a move, total chaos erupts with gunshots ringing out and a woman fleeing the office before Phin rushes inside to find Joy, a friend and colleague, lying on the floor bleeding out. Authorities arrive and Phin finds himself in handcuffs and jailed as a suspect in the attack. After his identity and status are verified by Burke Broussard and the rest of the gang, Phin is released and rejoins the firm with a vow to locate the mysterious woman and get justice for the recovering Joy. Locating Cora Winslow, a feisty librarian who's recently learned the skeletal remains unearthed beneath a demolished building is her father who disappeared twenty-three years ago but has continued sending her handwritten letters every year, is the first step. The second is finding out who forged the letters and why. After numerous break-ins at her house, Cora seeks help and protection from Broussard Private Investigations where she meets Phin, forming an immediate bond. Promising to keep her safe, Phin, Burke and the gang double down to solve the mystery of the letters and the motive behind the attacks. As the attraction between Phin and Cora grows, he fears jeopardizing the case and Cora's life if he can't control his PTSD. As the story progresses, the plot thickens, the threat increases and secrets begin leaking out. Time is running out as bodies pile up.

BURIED TOO DEEP is a multilayered, tautly plotted romance thriller set in the mysterious Garden District of NOLA lending an additional mysterious, secretive air to the story. It's unique in that, in addition to others, readers get the point of view of the villain meaning only the characters are in the dark as to who the evil perpetrator is. Rose remains true to her signature writing style by slowly building the foundation before steadily increasing the pace and suspense throughout while leaving tidbits of clues sprinkled throughout for characters and readers to discover. The plot line is complex, and the mystery of why Cora Winslow is targeted a well-guarded secret until the reveal near the end. The romance blossoming between Cora and Phin is heartwarming as they both work through personal issues from their respective pasts. Fans of the series will enjoy seeing many favorites from past books, but again, no worries if you're new to the series. Author Karen Rose fills in any blanks needed by readers to enjoy this book.

The action is swift, the tone dire and the stakes high in Rose's latest romance suspense thriller, BURIED TOO DEEP. Dark, deeply buried secrets are threatening someone's lifestyle, and it's up to Phin and the rest of the gang at Broussard Private Investigations to solve the mystery before more bodies pile up. A sweet side of romance helps balance the scales making this another great addition to the New Orleans Series. Highly recommended to fans of romance suspense, mysteries and suspense thrillers. Just remember . . . “Three can keep a secret if two of them are dead.” (Quote from BURIED TOO DEEP by Author Karen Rose.)


Three can keep a secret if two of them are dead.

Employed as the nighttime security guard of Broussard Private Investigations, Phineas Bishop has been working through overwhelming PTSD episodes from his Army service while still utilizing his military skills. But when a violent break-in occurs at the office, the accusatory eyes of the NOPD glance to Phin, and he resolves to track down the intruder and clear his name.

Phin’s only lead and witness is Cora Winslow, a spirited librarian who also needs answers. Her father’s body has been discovered under a recently demolished building, murdered twenty-three years ago. So, who has been sending her the handwritten letters—written and signed by him—every year since she was five? Someone wants to keep Cora in the dark. And now, they’re coming for her.

As Cora’s bodyguard, Phin is surprised by his fondness for the woman’s fierce determination and research prowess. But New Orleans’s Garden District holds secrets as old as the streets themselves. With help from the entire Broussard P.I. team, Phin and Cora enter a labyrinth of fraud and homicide that threatens to bury them all.



Internationally bestselling, RITA-award winning, author Karen Rose was born and raised in the Maryland suburbs of Washington, DC. She met her husband, Martin, on a blind date when they were seventeen and after they both graduated from the University of Maryland, (Karen with a degree in Chemical Engineering) they moved to Cincinnati, Ohio. Karen worked as an engineer for a large consumer goods company, earning two patents, but as Karen says, “scenes were roiling in my head and I couldn't concentrate on my job so I started writing them down. I started out writing for fun, and soon found I was hooked.”

Her debut suspense novel, DON'T TELL, was released in July, 2003. Since then, she has published fifteen more novels and two novellas. Her seventeenth novel, ALONE IN THE DARK, will be released in 2016.

Karen's books have appeared on the bestseller lists of the New York Times, USA Today, London's Sunday Times, and Germany's der Spiegel (#1), and the Irish Times, as well as lists in South Africa (#1) and Australia!

Her novels, I'M WATCHING YOU and SILENT SCREAM, received the Romance Writers of America's RITA award for Best Romantic Suspense for 2005 and 2011. Five of her other books have been RITA finalists. To date, her books have been translated into twenty-four languages.

A former high school teacher of chemistry and physics, Karen lives in Florida with her husband of more than twenty years, her two daughters, two dogs, and a cat.

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