
Monday, February 10, 2025

Nemesis Review

Author: Gregg Hurwitz

Series: Orphan X #10

Publisher: Minotaur Books

Release Day: Feb. 11, 2025

No greater friend. No deadlier enemy. In the latest explosive novel in this New York Times bestselling series, Evan Smoak, having shaped his life with a rigid set of rules, finds himself at odds with his oldest friend in the world, where principles are in conflict with honor—and everyone is the loser.

Orphan X aka The Nowhere Man aka Evan Smoak returns with a vengeance in NEMESIS, the tenth book in Author Gregg Hurwitz's explosive Orphan X series. Evan, once a highly successful black ops government assassin, now operates under the radar as The Nowhere Man, a protector of innocent victims only an anonymous phone call away. He lives a rigid, solitary life driven by a strict code of conduct known as the assassin's Ten Commandments. His strong belief in these commandments drive his every move, every decision, and he believes it's his duty to not only obey the commandments but to also enforce them by going after anyone who breaks one of the codes. Much to Evan's chagrin, his longtime friend and armorer Tommy Stojack has apparently broken a code by providing weapons to an assassin who targets innocents. In spite of the internal turmoil it creates within Evan, he has no choice but to have it out with Tommy. His strong moral beliefs will not allow him to let it slide. What ensues threatens everything Evan has ever known and believed to be true, turning his world upside down while leaving him questioning exactly who he is and what he's doing. Commandment #4 says: Never make it personal, but it doesn't get more personal than this for Evan. Going up against one of the only friends he has allowed into his solitary world guts him, throwing him off his game and messing with his ability to focus leaving him vulnerable to other outside deadly threats currently slivering through the shadows. When the smoke settles, who'll be left standing? Will Evan be able to live with the consequences of his actions?

Author Gregg Hurwitz knocks it out of the park with this addition to the highly successful, epic Orphan X series. Through introspection, readers are allowed inside to witness Evan's inner turmoil and moments of self-reflection as he deals with personal issues he usually keeps locked away. It's a side of Evan fans of the series haven't seen before - a crack in the armor of this cold, deadly assassin, and it's a reminder that he is indeed human. Side plots involving Tommy honoring a promise to an old friend and Joey dealing with her own identity crisis while trying to fit in add to the suspense while driving a fast and furious pace forward through revelation after revelation. The action is nonstop, as always, from the first page through to the last, and the tone is dire. This reader refused to put the book down until the dust settled at the end.

NEMESIS is a story of friendship, self-reflection, loyalty, forgiveness and emotional turmoil. It's a lesson in making the correct decision based upon one's interpretation of the fine line separating right and wrong and knowing the difference. New readers to the series will have no issues reading NEMESIS as a standalone as the author does a fantastic job of filling in the blanks with any needed backstory. However, this is an outstanding series that is best consumed one book at a time - beginning with ORPHAN X, book one. Not only is the character development important, but the books build one upon the other, and you'll be missing a great reading experience if you choose to skip previous books. Highly recommended to fans of the series and readers who enjoy intense, high action, fast paced suspense thrillers.

At one time, Evan Smoak was a highly successful black ops assassin known as Orphan X, dedicated to a rigid set of operational rules. Now, even after breaking with the government program, going deep underground, and remaking his life, Smoak is dedicated to his assassin's Ten Commandments. But for the first time, those principles have put him on a collision course with the man who might be his best friend in the world, Tommy Stojack.

Stojack, a gifted gunsmith who has created much of Evan's own weapons and combat gear, has apparently crossed one of Evan's sharply delineated lines. When Evan decides to go to his workshop and have it out with Tommy, Evan finds himself under attack by a group attempting to ambush and kill him. But, with all his training and skills, Evan is extremely hard to kill—and the dispute explodes into open warfare between him and Tommy. Now Evan has no choice, in his mind, than to track down and face down his only friend.

In the meantime, Tommy is honoring an old promise to an Army friend and goes to help his dead friend's son. In a depressed rural area, with conflicts flaring up, that son is partially responsible for the death of an innocent. And while Tommy is trying to keep him, and his friends, alive, Evan arrives, with vengeance in mind.

The scary thing? Evan isn't even the most dangerous threat to arrive on the scene.

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