Thursday, August 15, 2024

You Will Never Be Me Review

Author: Jesse Q. Sutanto
Publisher: Berkley
Release Day: Aug. 20, 2024

Special thanks to Berkley Publ. for the gifted arc of this title. All opinions expressed are my own.

When cracks start forming in an influencer’s curated life, she finds out that jealousy is just as viral as a video in this riveting suspense novel by bestselling author Jesse Q. Sutanto.

Author Jessie Q. Sutanto takes readers on a chilling, eye-opening deep dive into the cutthroat world of social media super influencers in YOU WILL NEVER BE ME. A place where the stakes and potential for making six figure incomes are high and the odds of crashing and losing it all higher. A place where friendships are made and broken and greed, jealousy and insecurity take root and grow. A facade where revenge turns dark, ugly and deadly.

 Super "Momfluencer" Meredith Lee is riding a social media high at the top of her game when she takes a struggling mother, Aspen Palmer, under her wing teaching her how to become a successful, top earning influencer on social media. In a short amount of time, the student surpasses the teacher in the number of followers, likes, sponsors and income earned on TikTok and Instagram. Suddenly, Aspen is the social media darling invited to all the right parties, meeting other super influencers and making the big bucks, and she has little time for her former mentor. After a particularly nasty argument, the former friends part ways. Aspen is basking in her new fame and lifestyle while Meredith's flame is fading fast leaving her on the outside looking in, but don't count her out just yet. She made Aspen . . . and she can break her. Meredith begins stalking her former friend and when opportunity knocks, she walks through the door. Two can play this game . . . until someone goes missing, and the accusations fly. 

 YOU WILL NEVER BE ME unfolds through the dual points of view of Meredith and Aspen. The pace builds slowly as the author lays the groundwork, allowing readers to get to know each of the women and their families while setting the stage for what's to come. Halfway through, the pace intensifies, and the tone takes a dire turn into an imminent danger zone with warning signs flashing on every page. From this point on, no one will be putting this book down for any reason as it shifts gears with each shocking twist. While most of the characters are shallow, arrogant and extremely self-centered, the kind you love to hate, they are exactly what one would expect to find within the context of this story. Sutanto does an expert job at character development, allowing readers to see what drives each one. Like a wreck on the highway, I couldn't look away afraid of what I might miss. I suspect the ending may be controversial, but whether you like the way the author chose to wrap this story up or not, I guarantee you won't forget it anytime soon. I know I won't, and I'll never look at social media influencers the same way ever again. 

 Author Jesse Q. Sutanto brilliantly renders a dark, witty, parody of the fake, cutthroat world of social media influencers in YOU WILL NEVER BE ME. Toxic friendships are fed by greed, lies and the desire to be seen as the top influencer in the niche. I'm amazed and quite frankly shocked at the idea of how far some will go and how much they're willing to sacrifice to reach the pinnacle of success in the influencer world. I'm happy to say this reader has no desire to dip a toe in those toxic waters. Highly recommended to fans of suspense thrillers and anyone curious about the world of social media influencers.


Influencer Meredith Lee didn't teach Aspen Palmer how to blossom on social media just to be ditched as soon as Aspen became big. So can anyone really blame Mer for doing a little stalking? Nothing serious, more like Stalking Lite.

Then Mer gets lucky; she finds one of Aspen's kids' iPads and swipes it. Now she has access to the family calendar and Aspen's social media accounts. Would anyone else be able to resist tweaking things a little here and there, showing up in Aspen's place for meetings with potential sponsors? Mer's only taking back what she deserves—what should have been hers. 

Meanwhile, Aspen doesn't understand why her perfectly filtered life is falling apart. Sponsors are dropping her, fellow influencers are ghosting her, and even her own husband seems to find her repulsive. If she doesn't find out who's behind everything, she might just lose it all. But what everyone seems to forget is that Aspen didn't become one of TikTok's biggest momfluencers by being naive.

When Meredith suddenly goes missing, Aspen's world is upended and mysterious threats begin to arrive—but she won’t let anything get in the way of her perfect life again.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Buried Too Deep Review and Book Tour

Welcome to my stop on the Buried Too Deep book tour!

Author: Karen Rose
Series: New Orleans #3; Romance Suspense #30
Publisher: Berkley Publ.
Release Day: August 13, 2024

Special thanks to Berkley Publ. for an arc of this title and for the book tour invitation. All opinions expressed are my own.

From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Karen Rose comes another explosive novel in the New Orleans series, where some secrets are worth dying for—or killing to keep.

Author Karen Rose returns to New Orleans in BURIED TOO DEEP, book three in the New Orleans series and book thirty in the Romance Suspense series. Rose's ability to keep plot lines unique and engaging after so many books is a testament to her expert ability to craft a highly entertaining and intriguing story with authentic characters readers enjoy time after time. Whether you're a series fan or a first timer, you can feel confident in picking this book up and settling in for an entertaining evening of reading as the author includes any needed backstory.

With his PTSD therapy dog, SodaPop, by his side, Phin Bishop pauses outside his employer's office, Broussard Private Investigations, an elite personal security firm, to settle his nerves. What if he's no longer welcome after ghosting them following his last bad episode? What if Burke refuses to allow him to return as a nighttime security guard? Before he can make a move, total chaos erupts with gunshots ringing out and a woman fleeing the office before Phin rushes inside to find Joy, a friend and colleague, lying on the floor bleeding out. Authorities arrive and Phin finds himself in handcuffs and jailed as a suspect in the attack. After his identity and status are verified by Burke Broussard and the rest of the gang, Phin is released and rejoins the firm with a vow to locate the mysterious woman and get justice for the recovering Joy. Locating Cora Winslow, a feisty librarian who's recently learned the skeletal remains unearthed beneath a demolished building is her father who disappeared twenty-three years ago but has continued sending her handwritten letters every year, is the first step. The second is finding out who forged the letters and why. After numerous break-ins at her house, Cora seeks help and protection from Broussard Private Investigations where she meets Phin, forming an immediate bond. Promising to keep her safe, Phin, Burke and the gang double down to solve the mystery of the letters and the motive behind the attacks. As the attraction between Phin and Cora grows, he fears jeopardizing the case and Cora's life if he can't control his PTSD. As the story progresses, the plot thickens, the threat increases and secrets begin leaking out. Time is running out as bodies pile up.

BURIED TOO DEEP is a multilayered, tautly plotted romance thriller set in the mysterious Garden District of NOLA lending an additional mysterious, secretive air to the story. It's unique in that, in addition to others, readers get the point of view of the villain meaning only the characters are in the dark as to who the evil perpetrator is. Rose remains true to her signature writing style by slowly building the foundation before steadily increasing the pace and suspense throughout while leaving tidbits of clues sprinkled throughout for characters and readers to discover. The plot line is complex, and the mystery of why Cora Winslow is targeted a well-guarded secret until the reveal near the end. The romance blossoming between Cora and Phin is heartwarming as they both work through personal issues from their respective pasts. Fans of the series will enjoy seeing many favorites from past books, but again, no worries if you're new to the series. Author Karen Rose fills in any blanks needed by readers to enjoy this book.

The action is swift, the tone dire and the stakes high in Rose's latest romance suspense thriller, BURIED TOO DEEP. Dark, deeply buried secrets are threatening someone's lifestyle, and it's up to Phin and the rest of the gang at Broussard Private Investigations to solve the mystery before more bodies pile up. A sweet side of romance helps balance the scales making this another great addition to the New Orleans Series. Highly recommended to fans of romance suspense, mysteries and suspense thrillers. Just remember . . . “Three can keep a secret if two of them are dead.” (Quote from BURIED TOO DEEP by Author Karen Rose.)


Three can keep a secret if two of them are dead.

Employed as the nighttime security guard of Broussard Private Investigations, Phineas Bishop has been working through overwhelming PTSD episodes from his Army service while still utilizing his military skills. But when a violent break-in occurs at the office, the accusatory eyes of the NOPD glance to Phin, and he resolves to track down the intruder and clear his name.

Phin’s only lead and witness is Cora Winslow, a spirited librarian who also needs answers. Her father’s body has been discovered under a recently demolished building, murdered twenty-three years ago. So, who has been sending her the handwritten letters—written and signed by him—every year since she was five? Someone wants to keep Cora in the dark. And now, they’re coming for her.

As Cora’s bodyguard, Phin is surprised by his fondness for the woman’s fierce determination and research prowess. But New Orleans’s Garden District holds secrets as old as the streets themselves. With help from the entire Broussard P.I. team, Phin and Cora enter a labyrinth of fraud and homicide that threatens to bury them all.


Internationally bestselling, RITA-award winning, author Karen Rose was born and raised in the Maryland suburbs of Washington, DC. She met her husband, Martin, on a blind date when they were seventeen and after they both graduated from the University of Maryland, (Karen with a degree in Chemical Engineering) they moved to Cincinnati, Ohio. Karen worked as an engineer for a large consumer goods company, earning two patents, but as Karen says, “scenes were roiling in my head and I couldn't concentrate on my job so I started writing them down. I started out writing for fun, and soon found I was hooked.”

Her debut suspense novel, DON'T TELL, was released in July, 2003. Since then, she has published fifteen more novels and two novellas. Her seventeenth novel, ALONE IN THE DARK, will be released in 2016.

Karen's books have appeared on the bestseller lists of the New York Times, USA Today, London's Sunday Times, and Germany's der Spiegel (#1), and the Irish Times, as well as lists in South Africa (#1) and Australia!

Her novels, I'M WATCHING YOU and SILENT SCREAM, received the Romance Writers of America's RITA award for Best Romantic Suspense for 2005 and 2011. Five of her other books have been RITA finalists. To date, her books have been translated into twenty-four languages.

A former high school teacher of chemistry and physics, Karen lives in Florida with her husband of more than twenty years, her two daughters, two dogs, and a cat.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

One Last Promise Review

Author: Susan May Warren
Series: Alaska Air One Rescue #3
Publisher: SKG Publishing
Release Day: Aug. 1, 2024

Special thanks to the publisher and The Big Thrill Magazine for an arc of this title. All opinions expressed are my own.

Set in the treacherous Alaskan backwoods, it's a heart-pounding tale of survival, love, and the family Moose never anticipated.

ONE LAST PROMISE, the third book in Susan May Warren's popular Alaska Air One Rescue series, features Moose Mulligan, a former Navy rescue chopper pilot now leader of a successful search and rescue team and Tillie Young, the mysterious waitress Moose can't get out of his head even though she disappears without a trace after turning down his request for a date. Moose is shocked when Tillie shows up on his doorstop, savagely beaten and begging for his help in rescuing her kidnapped daughter, Hazel, from an evil man from her past. Moose promises to bring her daughter home safely and with his SAR Team covering his back, he begins a search that quickly spirals out of control. As the story progresses, readers learn there's more to the kidnapping than Tillie admits to, putting everyone involved in dire danger; however, Moose gave his word and while he's failed before, this time failure is not an option.

Author Susan May Warren expertly draws readers in and keeps them on high alert from beginning to end in her latest high-octane, action-packed thriller. The Alaskan wilderness provides a dramatic, breath-taking backdrop for the action exploding on each page, while a torrid pace keeps readers fully engaged in the tautly delivered plot line. Main and support characters are authentic and supportive, welcoming readers into their lives. Rounding out the suspense thriller vibes, a sweet, emotional romance ignites despite Moose and Tillie's reluctance to commit to a relationship before each settles their disturbing pasts.

ONE LAST PROMISE is a well-plotted, highly entertaining romance suspense story with strong Christian themes woven throughout. Characters are repeatedly challenged to trust in their faith while looking to a higher power for answers to prayers. Fans of romance suspense with strong Christian overtones will enjoy this book.

Moose (Arlo) Mulligan's biggest grief propelled him into the world of Search and Rescue. After years as a former Navy Rescue Chopper pilot, he returned home to start Air One Rescue—and made a name for himself. He loves his job, his life, and his routines…which include breakfast at the Skyport, at the table of Tillie Young. She’s sweet, and pretty, but Moose has no room in his life for anything more.

And then, Tillie shows up, beaten and desperate…and needs his help.

Tillie Young never thought her ex would track her to Alaska—but somehow he’s found her, and when he kidnaps her daughter, she’ll do anything to get her back. Even enlist help from her favorite grumpy rescuer at table three, Moose Mulligan.

But Moose is no match for a former MMA boxer, and possible child trafficker, right?

Maybe, maybe not, but he’s not going to let another child go missing on his watch. Worse—when Moose finds himself accused as the kidnapper, there’s no way back. Now, he must find the girl, keep Tillie safe and outwit a man fueled by revenge. It will take all of Moose’s Alaskan savvy to protect them, and keep them alive…but who is going to protect him from the love he never saw coming?

Friday, August 9, 2024

How To Fall For A Scoundrel Review

Author: Kate Bateman
Series: Her Majesty's Rebels #2
Publisher: St. Martins Press
Release Day: Aug. 20, 2024

Special thanks to St. Martins Press for a gifted arc of this title. All opinions expressed are my own.

Two unlikely allies team up to solve a case in this novel filled with Kate Bateman's signature sparkling voice, exciting adventures, and steamy chemistry.

Author Kate Bateman returns with book two in the Her Majesty's Rebels series with HOW TO FALL FOR A SCOUNDREL. While each book in the series stands alone with dynamic characters and an intriguing mystery or two to solve, I encourage fans of historical romance to grab book one for an entertaining evening of reading and for an introduction to the three fiesty women who are featured in the overall story arc. 

Eleanor Law and two of her closest friends, Daisy and Tess, are the secret founders, as well as the brains and muscle, behind King & Co., London's most successful private investigation firm during a time when women weren't considered intelligent enough or educated enough to run businesses. They operate behind the facade of a fictitious boss named Charles King, who doesn't exist until now when a man appears claiming to be Charles King. They know, of course, that he's lying, but the women can use his con man skills on a difficult case reclaiming a precious manuscript, so they strike a deal playing along to discover the true identity of this mysterious stranger who's captured Ellie's attention and heart.

Harry "King" aka Henri Bonheur aka any of at least a dozen other names has returned to London to reclaim his birthright, but he needs the help of the three smart, beautiful women who run the best PI Firm in London. He strikes a deal with the delectable Ellie, claiming he's given up his notorious past as a con man and thief and will help them recover the manuscript if they help him prove his real identity. The deal throws Ellie and Harry in close proximity for extended periods of time which fuels the flame of desire sparking between them. Ellie repeatedly reminds herself there's no future in falling for a con man and scoundrel. This is business and business only. Right?

Author Kate Bateman is one of the best at rendering heartwarming historical romance stories with a lot of heart, depth, banter and humor. Ellie is highly intelligent, beautiful, spunky and fun. Harry is every woman's dream with a perfect blend of great looks, skills and heart. The growing sexual banter, sizzling chemistry and mutual admiration offsets the intriguing mystery playing out, and a strong support cast, including Daisy and Tess, highlight the value of strong female friendships. Bateman's utilization of short chapters drives a fast pace as this unlikely team of cohorts' race toward the final climax.

HOW TO FALL FOR A SCOUNDREL is a highly entertaining, well-written historical romance with all the right ingredients for romance as well as a good mystery. A strong, smart, witty female protagonist and a kind, loving, charming male protagonist who can't resist bowing to temptation team up and deliver one of my favorite romances by Bateman to date. Highly recommended to fans of mystery, historical romance and even romcoms. This one is a delight to read!

As a founding member of King & Co., London’s most successful private investigation firm, studious Eleanor Law delights in secretly proving that women can solve crimes just as well as men. When a charming con man pretends to be her fictional boss, "Charles King," Ellie knows he’s lying, but accepting the scoundrel’s offer of help might just be the key to cracking her new case and recovering a priceless manuscript.

“Henri Bonheur”—or “Harry” as he asks to be called—claims his criminal past is behind him, but a man who steals and seduces with such consummate ease can never be trusted. As the investigation draws them deeper into danger and desire, Ellie’s infuriated to realize she’s developed feelings for her law-breaking accomplice. How can she love the scoundrel when she doesn’t even know his real name? And what will happen when Harry’s past finally catches up with him?

Monday, August 5, 2024

The Break-Up Pact Review

Author: Emma Lord
Narrator: Natalie Naudus
Publisher: MacMillan Audio & St. Martins Griffin
Release Day: August 13, 2024

Many thanks to MacMillan Audio for an audio arc of this title. All opinions expressed are my own.

Author Emma Lord transitions into the world of adult romance with   THE BREAK-UP PACT. Fans expecting the normal laugh-out-loud, swoon-worthy romcom typical of Lord may be disappointed, although this story has some of that with a hefty dose of real adult life issues.

June Hart is in danger of losing Tea Tide, a tea shop dream opened by her sister before she passed away suddenly. June's adamant about keeping the shop just as her sister envisioned it, even though she has bright new ideas that might help it compete with other businesses on the beach block. The problem is, June can't make the rent. And now her boyfriend has broken up with her in a very public way. June's desperate, humiliated and out of ideas on how to salvage her sister's dream.

Levi lives in New York working as a hedge fund manager while allowing his dreams of writing a novel to fall by the wayside. He's engaged . . . until his fiancé dumps him on TikTok, and his humiliation goes viral. Levi returns to his childhood hometown to regroup and start writing again. June and Levi were inseparable childhood best friends until a misunderstanding tore them apart. It's been ten years since they last spoke until they come face to face outside Tea Tide. Someone posts a picture of them on TikTok and suddenly they become the new "in" couple. An idea to save them both forms - they agree to fake-date with a friend of June's posting pictures on social media. It'll drive traffic to June's tea shop, and hopefully make Levi's ex jealous. It's a win-win situation. Right? What they didn't account for was the unresolved feelings and chemistry sparking between them.

THE BREAK-UP PACT is a warm, sweet fake dating, friends-to-lovers romance that includes a lot of miscommunications. Readers watch as June and Levi both learn to deal with adult issues such as derailed careers, bad breakups and unresolved feelings while also hashing out their backstories. The tone is more serious than Lord's normal young adult rom coms, but the delivery is excellent with a lot of time focused on the couple's pasts. The public display of their evolving relationship complicates things and is relevant in today's world of social media.  Side characters are authentic, caring and supportive, all adding to the overall enjoyment of this story. The pace is slow in the beginning as the author takes time rebuilding a broken relationship that's grounded in some difficult past issues and playing out in the limelight. 

I listened to the audiobook of THE BREAK-UP PACT, and it is a delightful delivery of the story. Narrator Natalie Naudus gives an excellent performance bringing characters to life. Fans of adult contemporary romance will enjoy this one.

June and were best friends as teenagers—until the day they weren’t. Now June is struggling to make rent on her beachside tea shop, Levi is living a New York cliché as a disillusioned hedge fund manager and failed novelist, and they've barely spoken in years.

But after they both experience public, humiliating break-ups with their exes that spread like wildfire across TikTok rabbit holes and daytime talk shows alike, they accidentally make some juicy gossip of their own—a photo of them together has the internet convinced they're a couple. With so many people rooting for them, they decide to put aside their rocky past and make a pact to fuel the fire. Pretending to date will help June’s shop get back on its feet and make Levi’s ex realize that she made a mistake. All they have to do is convince the world they're in love, one swoon-worthy photo opp at a time.

Two viral break-ups. One fake relationship. Five sparkling, heart-pounding dates. June and Levi can definitely pull this off without their hearts getting involved. Because everyone knows fake dating doesn’t come with real feelings. Right?

Thursday, August 1, 2024

House of Glass Review

Author: Sarah Pekkanen
Publisher: St. Martins Press
Release Day: Aug. 6, 2024

Many thanks to St. Martins Press for an arc of this title. All opinions expressed are my own.

Review published in Mystery & Suspense Magazine

On the outside they were the golden family with the perfect life. On the inside they built the perfect lie.

While reading HOUSE OF GLASS, I experienced the same imminent danger ahead vibes that I associate with the old Alfred Hitchcock Hour Show with its sinister music by Bernard Herrmann overtook me, raising goosebumps on my arms. Hitchcock was an expert at creating scream-worthy fear from the ordinary be it a normal person, object or situation and now, in my opinion, so is Author Sarah Pekkanen. There's a sense of foreboding, of fear brought on by the unknown, a hidden danger you know is coming - just not from where, when or how in HOUSE OF GLASS.

Recently divorced, Best Interest Attorney Stella Hudson reluctantly accepts a child custody case at the urgent request of her dearest old friend and mentor Charlie after he convinces her she's the best lawyer to help a young girl suffering from Traumatic Mutism - a condition that rendered Stella unable to speak for a period of time as a young child following the trauma of finding her own mother dead. Young Rose Barclay hasn't spoken since she witnessed the mysterious death of her nanny Tina who either fell or was pushed from an upper floor window in the Barclay mansion. Rose's parents, Ian and Beth, are amid a bitter custody battle, and Stella must determine which one of them will provide the most stable, safe home for Rose. From her first arrival at the Barclay's large, sterile, historic home, warning bells sound in Stella's head. Something is very wrong in this gilded house and her first instinct is to run screaming, but she made a promise to see this assignment through and she will. As the story progresses, it becomes obvious that every person in the household is lying, and each has a motive for wanting Tina dead . . . including young Rose with the dark, haunting eyes who's been hiding sharp objects in her room. Why? Is she afraid of someone? Or is she planning on harming someone? Stella needs to uncover the truth quickly as threats warning her to leave and stay away escalate even as her own secret past comes calling.

Pekkanen has brilliantly mastered the art of creating a menacing tone that resonates throughout a story with highly atmospheric settings, hard to read characters and eerie, complex plot lines. A sense of unease and a strong undercurrent of danger increases page by page as you read HOUSE OF GLASS. The author offers up several red herrings with strong motive and challenges Stella and readers with figuring out which one of them is a killer. I had a strong feeling about the identity of the villain, and my intuition proved to be right, but the evil tone that permeates each page of this book kept me riveted in my seat, burning through pages until the end - with every light in the room on. The cast is outstanding with well-defined characters harboring dark, disturbing secrets. A second story line involving Stella's past intertwines throughout, adding another dimension and intriguing backstory into Stella's life.

HOUSE OF GLASS is a creepy, well-written, multi-layered psychological thriller that's sure to entertain fans who enjoy books that leave them with a sense of unease and armchair sleuths who love solving a good murder mystery. Lies, deception, fraud and secrets abound in the face of innocence in this story. Highly recommended to fans of psychological thrillers.

A young nanny who plunged to her death, or was she pushed? A nine-year-old girl who collects sharp objects and refuses to speak. A lawyer whose job it is to uncover who in the family is a victim and who is a murderer. But how can you find out the truth when everyone here is lying?

Rose Barclay is a nine-year-old girl who witnessed the possible murder of her nanny - in the midst of her parent's bitter divorce - and immediately stopped speaking. Stella Hudson is a best interest attorney, appointed to serve as counsel for children in custody cases. She never accepts clients under thirteen due to her own traumatic childhood, but Stella's mentor, a revered judge, believes Stella is the only one who can help.

From the moment Stella passes through the iron security gate and steps into the gilded, historic DC home of the Barclays, she realizes the case is even more twisted, and the Barclay family far more troubled, than she feared. And there's something eerie about the house itself: It's a plastic house, with not a single bit of glass to be found.

As Stella comes closer to uncovering the secrets the Barclays are desperate to hide, danger wraps around her like a shroud, and her past and present are set on a collision course in ways she never expected. Everyone is a suspect in the nanny's murder. The mother, the father, the grandmother, the nanny's boyfriend. Even Rose. Is the person Stella's supposed to protect the one she may need protection from?