Genre: Suspense Thriller
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
4 Hearts
You just boarded a flight to New York.
There are one hundred and forty-three other passengers onboard.
What you don’t know is that thirty minutes before the flight your pilot’s family was kidnapped.
For his family to live, everyone on your plane must die.
The only way the family will survive is if the pilot follows his orders and crashes the plane.
Enjoy the flight.
There are one hundred and forty-three other passengers onboard.
What you don’t know is that thirty minutes before the flight your pilot’s family was kidnapped.
For his family to live, everyone on your plane must die.
The only way the family will survive is if the pilot follows his orders and crashes the plane.
Enjoy the flight.
Falling is extremely intense as you can imagine. Some scenes are graphic but delivered in context with the developing story. Characters are well developed and likable - people you might be friends with. I found the story to be tightly plotted and well delivered in a way that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. Through twists and turns, readers see the crew and Bill working together to try and resolve an impossible situation. I thought the flight attendants were especially well written and performing. Emotional, tense action makes Falling a must read for fans of suspense thrillers.
It sure was an intense story. Glad you enjoyed it as much as I did.