
Saturday, January 5, 2019

Raw: Rebirth Review

Title:  Raw: Rebirth
Series: Raw Family #3
Author:  Belle Aurora
Purchase Link:  Amazon

My Rating:  4.5 Demented Hearts


It had been six years since my world was turned upside down.
He exposed me to the darker side of life and I could never go back to the person I was.
I had been through more things the average person couldn’t even relate to.

If I had the chance to go back and do things differently though?
Not a chance.

I’d pick him a thousand times. A million times. For eternity.

I guess not much has changed.

My name is Alexa Ballentine, and I am still in love with my stalker.

For me, Raw: Rebirth is all about closure.  Good or bad, I needed to know how Twitch and Lexi's story would play out.  Before I say more, please understand that you really need to read the first two books prior to this one before proceeding.   This book could be read as a standalone - the author certainly does her best to fill up a blank slate with needed information, but there's simply too much history and too many life-altering events with these characters to skip the first two books.  Having said that, it's no secret or spoiler to say that Twitch has returned from the dead and is making his presence known to a select few as he tries to reclaim the life he once had, including his family.  To say things aren't easy would be a gross understatement, but I'll leave it at that other than to say that this book covers much more than just the return of Twitch.  The plot is dark, gruesome, and graphic and goes into dark, demented, taboo territory.  The intensity level is through the roof, and the action is almost non-stop.  

Raw: Rebirth is, without a doubt, a highly emotional, dark, twisted, f'd up experience in more ways than one.  The story unfolds through multiple points of view giving readers an insider's perspective on what individual characters are thinking, along with what's motivating them.  Aurora does an excellent job of peeling back layers and letting readers in to see the obvious character growth, and I liked that.  These characters have not become stagnant - they have evolved and changed in the six year separation that has occurred.  Is Twitch still an arrogant, bad*ss alpha?  Of course!  But there's so much more emotional depth to him this go-round.  I believe he's described at one point as "Twitch 2.0", and I couldn't agree more.  But, for me, the one person who made the biggest difference in this saga is A.J. - little Twitch - Twitch & Lexi's 5 year-old-son.  He's the heart of much of the story and adds needed depth, emotion, and believe it or not . . . even humor while taking the plot to another level.  A killer support cast rounds out this crew of misfits, including family, friends, and villains.

Raw: Rebirth is a rebirth of sorts for several characters.  It's an intense, passionate, emotional read that I couldn't put down.  I loved that the author brought things "full-circle" in the end, but I won't explain what that means.  You need to read this one without spoilers and experience it first-hand.  I will say that I now feel the "closure" I needed and am curious to see if Aurora will explore the possibilities created in this book in the future.  I, for one, would welcome it.  Well done Belle Aurora!  A Must Read!

My Rating:  4.5 Demented Hearts . . . And that's the truth!
Cross My Heart . . . xxx

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