
Wednesday, June 6, 2018

IWSG: The Name Game

June IWSG Question:  What's harder for you to come up with, book titles or character names?
The Name Game by Shirley Ellis (originally published in 1964)

Does anyone remember one of the many versions of the rhyming song, The Name Game?  What a fun, contagious way to make rhymes with names.  So addictive and impossible to get out of your head!  If only naming book characters was as simple  - or finding the perfect book title.

Naming our babies in both real life and the book world is serious business.  Not only do the names have to be a good "fit", they also have to stand up to a lot of wear and tear.  Most of the time, character names come to me as I become intimate with my characters.  I have to know them both physically and mentally before I can saddle them with a permanent name.  I usually form a short list of names for consideration once I have researched time period, popular names, possible nicknames, etc., and after I've settled on attributes such as appearance, demeanor, motivation, goals, desires.  At this point, if everyone is cooperating with me (a BIG "if"), a name usually screams Pick Me, Pick Me!  Other times, I have a name in mind from the moment the story idea takes root and starts to grow.  I can't really explain it - it just is.  

A fun exception to the rules of naming characters is in a fantasy/sci-fi world where the only limitations are those of your own mind.  You get to create a make-believe world, story, characters, and names . . . how great is that?!  While this applies in some degree to the writing of all genres, it's never more evident than in fantasy.  I'm currently in the early stages of developing an idea that has my creative juices flowing and imagination soaring and am hopeful things will mesh together in a way that progresses into a book set in my very own fantasyland.  Maybe the rhyming Name Game song will be helpful in naming the characters!  Who knows! lol

Book titles give me more grief.  I think it's probably easier for those of you with a long list of completed titles, but I find it a difficult decision to make.  Deciding on a title that reflects my story as a whole while enticing readers into a purchase is tough.  If there's a secret to it, please feel free share!

What about you?  Do you find it harder to name your characters or find the perfect title to represent your book?

The Insecure Writer's Support Group is a community of writers who share ideas and encourage each other. It's a great place to express doubts and concerns as well as offer and receive tribulations and guidance from other writers. IWSG posts the first Wednesday of every month. I know you'll find it to be a great writer's resource that's well worth your time. Be sure to stop by and visit with some of the other IWSG writers/bloggers at IWSG Members.

Please join me in thanking June's awesome co-hosts:
Beverly Stowe McClure, Tyrean Martinson, and Ellen @ The Cynical Sailor!  Be sure to stop by to visit and thank them personally!  And keep on writing!


  1. Oh, title, by far. Names come so easily, but I have a fight with titles every time.

    1. I agree...titles are harder. But I can say - when I know, I know! It just clicks.

  2. For my projects in another world, I certainly had fun creating character names. I think that was the last time I easily thought up new character names. Now I struggle because my characters are normal mortal from our world. lol

    1. Same here, Chrys. Character names have to "fit" - sometimes, I "try on" several before one sticks! lol I hope to venture into fantasyland where everything is make-believe...even names.

  3. Titles all the way, but as long as I've got my dream team to help, I'm not worried. =)

  4. That is one advantage to science fiction. Almost all of my character names are made up! And it's fun brainstorming them as well.

    1. I bet it is, Alex! I'm planning to venture into fantasyland soon. Looking forward to brainstorming both the world & characters.

  5. Maybe I need to write Sci-Fi/Fantasy . . . That would take a lot of stress off the names. Shake up some letters and dump them out. LOL. I know it's never that easy! The reason I only had 2 kids - out of names! LOVE the "Name Game" reminder, Sandra. Now I can't get THAT out of my head.

    1. It's an addictive song for sure! It's been on repeat in my head since I pulled the video & listened to it again. I'm dipping my toes into a fantasy world so we'll see how much fun it is! lol
