Title: Michael's Wings
Series: The Original Sinners #6.3
Author: Tiffany Reisz
Publisher: Eighth Circle Press
Release Date: Nov. 7, 2017
Order Info: Amazon
My Rating: 4 Bleeding ♥'s
Many thanks to the author & Eighth Circle Press for an arc of this book.
Griffin has just popped the question—yes, that question—and Michael doesn’t have an answer. He flees town for New Orleans to see his confidante and sometime-Domme, Mistress Nora. Will a weekend of beignets and beatings help him untangle his knotted-up heart?
Thus begins Michael's Wings, the eponymous novella that kicks off the latest entry in Tiffany Reisz's LAMBDA Literary Award-winning* Original Sinners series.
This companion collection to fan-favorite The Angel also contains six previously-published stories starring Mistress Nora's favorite angel and Griffin—his master, his true love, and the sexy-as-hell bane of Michael's existence.
Thus begins Michael's Wings, the eponymous novella that kicks off the latest entry in Tiffany Reisz's LAMBDA Literary Award-winning* Original Sinners series.
This companion collection to fan-favorite The Angel also contains six previously-published stories starring Mistress Nora's favorite angel and Griffin—his master, his true love, and the sexy-as-hell bane of Michael's existence.
If you're a fan of the Original Sinners Series (like me), you're probably in love with Michael & Griffin already and eager to see them take things to the next level. This collection of novellas is for you - an intimate peek into the hearts and lives of Michael & Griffin - six previously published stories and one new . . . Michael's Wings. I would advise you to stop now if you haven't yet read the series and encourage you to run, not walk, to your nearest bookstore (or online bookstore) and grab these books. Start at the beginning and read in order. You're in for one hell of a ride!
In the novella Michael's Wings, Griffin has asked Michael the big question and left him with an order to think it over and give him an answer on Sunday. Michael panics and runs to Mistress Nora, seeking solace, advice, and stress relief as only Nora can deliver . . . which she happily does. What she can't or won't do is tell Michael what he should do. As the story unfolds, the reasons for Michael's turmoil is revealed, giving readers an intimate look at what love in a "non-typical" relationship can mean and/or cost one or both parties. Ultimately, each individual must decide what they want, need, and desire most - what they can live with . . . and without. Michael has a lot to think about.
Readers will adore this poignant, intimate love story featuring Michael and Griffin - two men who love each other heart, body, and soul. But is love ever enough? Once again, Reisz has done an amazing job of delivering a heart-touching story rich in emotional turmoil, snarky humor, and kinky sex! I was so touched by the strong emotions evoked from reading this book. The writing, as always, is flawless and hypnotic - often making me laugh, cry, and yes, sometimes throw things! The best news is - there are seven novellas in this book - seven opportunities to experience life with Michael & Griffin. Fans of the series will not want to miss this one! Another Must Read by the Master!
My Rating: 4 Intimate, Bleeding ♥'s . . . And that's the truth!
My Rating: 4 Intimate, Bleeding ♥'s . . . And that's the truth!
My Heart .
. . xxx
Beautiful cover, this. :-)
ReplyDeleteI agree! It's perfect for the story!