
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to Cross My Heart Book Reviews blog.  My name is Sandra, and I'm a Book Addict.  I no longer pretend to seek a cure because I now know there isn't one I love to read and so I do.  I also love to write.  The idea for this blog came about because I can't think of a better way to combine my love of reading and writing than hosting a book review blog.

My goal is to make this blog a place you will visit often and a place where you feel comfortable - like sitting on the porch with good friends sipping tea or coffee and chatting about the books you've read, the weather, or who's cheating on who.  I look forward to meeting you and talking books, authors and new releases we're anxiously awaiting, as well as other things. 

In addition to weekly book reviews, I will showcase new authors monthly including a bio and interview (when available) with the featured author and a book review post of one of their books.  In the near future, I will be hosting a meme and a book challenge.  As everyone knows, a good blog takes time to build and perfect.  Please join me on this journey.  All I ask for is your patience as I continue to implement the many ideas I have and your friendship.

My promise to my readers is that I will always review a book with an open mind and heart and with complete honesty.

Cross My Heart xxx

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